Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's the circle, the circle of me ripping your head off with werewoooolvesssssss. hmm doesn't quite work with the music


So while I do love my roboskeletons from hell, when it comes to Hordes (Warmachine's more bestial brother) I took one look at the lists and....bought a bit of everything. Seriously though as far as actual factions go there was only one real choice

Circle of not Oroboros (though it's similar in concept and sadly there is no Wesker screaming about Total Global Saturation tm.)

So why the Druids? Well apart from the fact I'm very much on Team Jacob? ( he's the werewolf dude who never wears a shirt aye?) well these Druids are bastards who will happily wipe out humanity to keep the planet safe. They go for the long view and a such there are acceptable losses and means are fine so long as the end is there.

Plus there are werewolves.

Man, Krueger's cape gave me nightmares due to the poor lighting in my room. I literally spent about 6 hours on this dude, a good 2 on the cape and ols (?) alone. Will probably redo him when I get an actually handle on all this..,though I think my wet blending of the erm skirt? Worked well.

I thought he looked dumb just hovering on the ground so I whipped up a custom base from tissue paper, pvc and super-glue. I had hoped to do something a bit more..oomph..y...but I ran out of time and ability so I just went with a rock. S'okay but he looks like he's on the deck of the titanic as its about to go down. Still that lightning effect is pretty cool from a distance eh?

Quick note, nothing at e3 about the Warmachine video game which is a shame. Hopefully we'll hear something soon but the trailer on YouTube pretty much sums it up.

edit: bring on the wub wub.

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