Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sparky vampires, effervescent zombies


Reading the Von Carstein books as I am at the moment I felt the need to paint I picked up Vlad Von Carstein. I also had the urge to try a bit of NMM or non metallic metals if you prefer. This is my first go at it and you can see that I've still a long way to go on this(and everything else)

Undercoat de jour, bit thick on the face but eh..whatyagonnadoeh?

Okay here's where things start getting tricky. Skin is Vallejo dead flesh..does what it says on the tin eh? now the bronze armour has been painted a very washed down mournfang brown by GW. NMM you get me?
Khorne red on the cloak, grey wash on the sword and pallid wych flesh on the face bring us a wee bit closer.
and the final coat. I used brown leather and then some off white with a sepia wash to 'try' for the NMM bronze. It's half way there i think, it all just looks a little flat. Nice base though huh?

there you go, a zombie. A Nazi Zombie in fact...happy now?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Things to do in Denver when you're painting.

*I don't live in Denver, but if I did...*


Taking a break from the blurry world of my models (heh I wish) I thought I'd do a quick entry on what I do while painting.

Obvious question: Waddya mean while you're painting? Aren't you painting?
Less Obvious answer: Well sure, but painting for me is a very zen like experience. After a hard day or week as it seems to be these days, at work (which is more often than not) I spend at least the majority of Saturday painting. While painting I tend to do the following just so I keep up with other things at the same time:

1. Listen to something.
Generally I listen to old time American radio shows like Dragnet, Johnny Dollar or my personal favourite, Broadway is my beat on my Iphone. They're really good fun and don't take that much attention away from painting.

I also like to listen to audiobook while painting, which I understand I very popular. GW even suggest listening to their selection of over-dramatised nonsense. GW I love your books, but I don't need sound effects in my ruins it.

2. Watch crappy American TV shows

Again something that doesn't really need a lot of attention to enjoy. Cheap DVD boxsets are par of the course on this one. However be careful you don't pick something that actually needs you to pay attention to fully to enjoy, or is so good you end up watching it rather than painting (Carnivale I'm looking at you).

Those are my two ways of keeping my brain ticking over while painting. Also helps with multitasking in general. I'm hopeless in that I can rarely watch anything on TV without doing something else at the same time..I just get bored just sitting there. I'd rather be painting.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A satyricon?

A quick run through of a Gnarlhorn Satyr today. He's a large lad as you can see with the comparison shot at the end. Middle figure is normal 28mm scale. That's how big the Satyr is in comparison.
Started with my typical gradient undercoat technique

I then put on the basecoats of all the colours. I used Vallejo Elfish flesh for the fur,tuscor fur for the leather and oldskool dwarf bronze for the armour. Horns done with army painter skeleton bone with a little off white for a change.

Washes applied. Army painter soft tone, GW old green wash and ogryn flesh on the horn.

I tried to get a fur texture going on the...erm...fur but I don't think it came out too well. Hair was black with some administratum grey and dark reaper highlights. Eye was my usual white with yellow wash with black dot for the pupil

And this shot gives you an idea of the scale. Yeah I'm working on some decent basing materials.

More Kickstarter madness

this looks to be a really nice set of Chaos type warriors. Its always good to support the smaller companies, so get to it.

Also a finished kickstarter by Antimatter Games caught my eye due to the models and a setting under the sea.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bark at the moon


My car is currently in tiny little bits at the mechanic but hey..I get to drive a modded Audi 1.8v Quattro. Yuuuum

Back to the circle and here we have a warpwolf and a skinwalker.

Things to take into account here is that the really old GW ink is great for doing the green inlays. You can see the difference between the GW ink on the skinwalker and the new GW washes on the warpwolf.

God I love these models...

In other news I'm thinking about doing some work on converting some GW empire and dark elves into mini kingdom under fire based groups. Kingdom under fire being the pc to Xbox to when the hell are you going to release the next A mix of rts and dynasty warriors that I cannot sing the praises of high enough.

Nearing the end of malifaux

Here are two of the models from the viktorias box set. Base and fully painted. Not much more to say than that.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meanwhile in another part of town


It's been a tough couple of weeks so I haven't had a chance to post anything. To make up for that here's one I made earlier:

Troll dire mauler from hordes

I used my now base coating method of choice black under coat to grey to white. I then took Vallejo fluorescent blue and watered it down with GW lahriman ink to make it a wash and spread it liberally over the skin. Two or three coats did the trick.

After that I went to work on the rock protrusions using p3 umberal brown from the orboros paint set. I highlighted the rocks with blood red.

The claws were done with a black grey mix just a bit less viscous than normal paint so the white underneath just shows through to give the idea of a reflective surface.

Teeth are Vallejo off white, tongue is tallarn flesh with a carroburg crimson wash and the eyes are white base with a yellow wash. Mohawk is mechrite red highlighted up with tentacle pink.