Friday, July 20, 2012

Things to do in Denver when you're painting.

*I don't live in Denver, but if I did...*


Taking a break from the blurry world of my models (heh I wish) I thought I'd do a quick entry on what I do while painting.

Obvious question: Waddya mean while you're painting? Aren't you painting?
Less Obvious answer: Well sure, but painting for me is a very zen like experience. After a hard day or week as it seems to be these days, at work (which is more often than not) I spend at least the majority of Saturday painting. While painting I tend to do the following just so I keep up with other things at the same time:

1. Listen to something.
Generally I listen to old time American radio shows like Dragnet, Johnny Dollar or my personal favourite, Broadway is my beat on my Iphone. They're really good fun and don't take that much attention away from painting.

I also like to listen to audiobook while painting, which I understand I very popular. GW even suggest listening to their selection of over-dramatised nonsense. GW I love your books, but I don't need sound effects in my ruins it.

2. Watch crappy American TV shows

Again something that doesn't really need a lot of attention to enjoy. Cheap DVD boxsets are par of the course on this one. However be careful you don't pick something that actually needs you to pay attention to fully to enjoy, or is so good you end up watching it rather than painting (Carnivale I'm looking at you).

Those are my two ways of keeping my brain ticking over while painting. Also helps with multitasking in general. I'm hopeless in that I can rarely watch anything on TV without doing something else at the same time..I just get bored just sitting there. I'd rather be painting.

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