Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Green stuff solves everything: more 40k


I've decided to really go for a chaos force that mixes thousand sons and alpha legion. As such I've began to convert, or kit bash, some models. Here are my WIPs. Given that I have a ton of Spaaaase Mareens as well it's likely that they will get bashed into raven guard or blood ravens at some point.

Okay not a kitbash but I love Ahriman, so yeah.

Kitbash of an Avatars of War priest, a chaos command sprue and Huron Blackheart's head.
And the rest of Huron blackheart and the command sprue

and the poorly painted work in progress Commander Lestrange. Really fiddly miniature and the head is not to the right scale, but it kinda worked.,

Just for reference that's what Huron Blackheart should look like. You can see which bits were taken and put where.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Squeek: skaven and others


Here's a very poor Rat Ogre and someone I like to refer to as 'the man who walks'.

I've got a lot of work that needs to be done on my skaven. Apart from that ill have some more time now that I'm switching jobs and getting out of law. So hopefully I can paint more.

The LAAAAAAW as Judge Rico would say.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

WIP: The Wizard and the Glass

More work in progress

There seems to be a lot of thoughts as to how I could use them and not enough time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

WIP: Strange Tales

Sorry for the lack of posts, all 2 of you who happen upon this blog. I've been working and painting in mighty ways.
You may recall that a few posts before I mentioned an idea....well here's some more and a little more of a hint:
Sky Pirates
Elder Gods
Egyptian Spies
poor writing skills, and even worse painting skills.

And now the pictures, ere blurry they be.

                                                               Cultist of the Crimson Shroud

H.P. Lovecraft and Thrgll

Lord of the Crimson Shroud

The Man in Black

The Hollow Man

Grand Cultist of Crimson Shroud

Kit Cunningham (The Little Dragon)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Skulls x Skulls: Dark Vengeance


Back in the place where there is only war, like every other prat with an addiction to plastic I saw the sculpts in the Dark Vengeance box and knew I would buy it, if only for the cultists. That said, whoever sculpted the Dark Angels has a serious fetish for wings. Balthazar and the ravenwing look bloody stupid.

Anyway like every normal person buying the set, I bought it for the chaos models and...boy was I not disappointed. They are some lovely sculpts which almost paint themselves. I don't do them credit, but here are my Regulators of Caen warband:

                                                          Yzak of the Broken Tooth

Melchior of the Boneshard

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Exterminate: Combined Army

Another infinity army that was given a wee bit more attention than my haqqislam.

Combined Army are the...Covenant of the infinity world. Ruled by an AI (known as the evolved intelligence) they role in and absorb or destroy other civilisations.

Multiple races, though Morat (red monkey dudes) and Shavastii (bug dudes) make up the majority of the force. Interesting ruleset for both as well.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The man in black fled across the desert


Here's a preview of an idea I'm having
More later

Pastel painting: haqqislam

As promised my very very poorly inked haqqislam force that I managed to paint in a couple of hours for tabletop use. On that note I will try and remember to take photos of my next couple of games and give a quasi batrep of some sort.

Saladin (yes that one) note..never a good idea to give an infinity miniature you want to play a game with a higher base than usual.

Gulam Infantry with combi-rifle

Hassassin (yes, that Hassassin) Lasiq with viral sniper rifle

Gulam with sniper rifle

Ghulam paramedic

Janissary (yes that...oh you get the idea)

Ghulam with CR

Hassassin Fiday..these guys can pretend to be your best friend and then stab you when you aren't looking.

Naffatun with HMG


Monday, September 3, 2012

Catch up: infinity and heavy gear


It's been a while...the Olympics are done for another 4 years, the Paralympics cause the same traffic problems. I'm still over worked and criminally (sic) under paid...and yet I spend ridiculous amounts of money on what is generally known as plastic crack ( that said nothing here today is made of plastic)

On with the show, yes?

My fledgling PanO force from infinity painted in about a day (ie 5 hours or so) all together just to about tabletop standard. I hate using unprinted minis as you can't tell which one will blow up in your face or not.

And here's my first heavy gear mini. A black talon primary insertion (oh my) eagle mech. I'm a massive mech fan ( as are most 80s kids I would think) and I love the heavy gear aesthetic compared to say the...questionable designs of battletech.

In other news I played my first game of infinity the other week and loved it. I got absolutely trounced but it was fun.

So until next time when you'll see my pastel painted haqqislam..I hope.