Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Green stuff solves everything: more 40k


I've decided to really go for a chaos force that mixes thousand sons and alpha legion. As such I've began to convert, or kit bash, some models. Here are my WIPs. Given that I have a ton of Spaaaase Mareens as well it's likely that they will get bashed into raven guard or blood ravens at some point.

Okay not a kitbash but I love Ahriman, so yeah.

Kitbash of an Avatars of War priest, a chaos command sprue and Huron Blackheart's head.
And the rest of Huron blackheart and the command sprue

and the poorly painted work in progress Commander Lestrange. Really fiddly miniature and the head is not to the right scale, but it kinda worked.,

Just for reference that's what Huron Blackheart should look like. You can see which bits were taken and put where.

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