Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Court for all Seasons

Still plugging away into the aether

I recently took stock of all my bitz, which there are many due to kickstarter and general ebaying from last year. Mostly I like singular models which don't really have a theme as I don't really intend to ever play any of the wargames from whence the models spring.

However, if you've taken any interest in my choices so far, you'll notice I tend to like painting Wood Elves and Circle minatures (as well as the odd whatever else) so here's my thinking:

Summer and Winter Courts ie A War of the Fey
Taking cues from 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' and 'Dresden Files' I plan on creating Seelie (Summer Fairies) and Unseelie (Winter Fairies) armies. Now when I say fairies I dinnae mean Tinkerbell. We're talking Grimm's and Germanic fairies, i.e anything that lives in the realm. Ice Giants, Giant Spiders, Dragons, Vampires, Loup-Garous, skeletons, zombies, wraiths, bears, tree-men..look you name it, it's in there.

So here's my current work on it:
Knight of the Summer Court

The Winter Queen, Mab
Skeleton of the Winter Court

You can see that with the Winter  Court I have attempted to add Ice effects and a cold tone. I don't know how well it worked to be honest. I've redone Mab as she's a work in progress. Considering she's the most important character on Winter's side it's necessary to get her right.

Zombie of the Winter Court

Saturday, May 11, 2013

To return to your previously scheduled transmission...


And now for something completely different:
I've been away for a while..I left my work at the end of my contract and at the same time became rather ill. I was pretty much blind for a month due to not being able to keep my eyes open. I've still got problems with the oils in my tears not working how they should, and as such I was unable to paint until recently. I still have problems reading unfortunately, but thank god for audiobooks.

Anyway, I've tried working around my eye problem in regards to my painting. It takes a lot longer and I have to stop but as you can see it's not awful..just a bit unfocused. New phone ( lumia 820) takes far better pictures which probably highlight further problems anyway. However it is nice to be able to get back to painting, and hopefully I'll be rid of this eye problem fully soon.

And now for the most recent examples of my painting:
Random Space Marine Lord 

Blood Bowl Orc
Warmachine..Cygnar something