Sunday, June 3, 2012


So I mentioned I had a deathjack to assemble huh? And when I say assemble I mean green stuff and super glue EVERYWHERE. I'm probably so high right now from fumes and accelerator fluid I'd get stopped by the police.

So here we go. Step by step. Oh and I didn't get instructions with the model, which made it a bit interesting....

So here you have the bits box, scrubbed and washed ready for assembly. Remember kids, always scrub and washing your miniatures. Who knows what kind of crazy things its been rolled in, and it helps with basecoating. Trust me. 

A little bit of green stuff and super glue later its beginning to take shape. Imagine it rising from a vat of molten lead and...erm...souls? I should note that I didn't get the card with the model, which I found a wee bit odd, but I can pick up the deck if needs be.

There we go, he's actually coming together...yeah I know the legs look off, but imagine him running forward onto his right leg and it kinda works. Oh the sticking and the green stuffing this took. 

I can hear someone back there screaming 'PINS, PIN HIM YOU DUMB BASTARD'..or that could be my inner voice. hmm..anyway, yes I should have pinned him but I don't have any pins about and I'm working on a time constraint due to only having a week off work. Believe me, Terminus will be pinned no worries.

99% done! I'm leaving him to cure overnight and then I'll put the fiddly bits on which don't weigh a ton. Such an awesome model, and I got him half price off ebay...cough

*cue maniacal cackling* It will be mine mwahahahahahahahahahah

DJ is now fully built. Notice all the spikes and rib cage? I decided not to put in his soul furnace as I'd find it even more fiddly and I can use it with something else I reckon. All I've got to do now is let it set again, base and then paint. Whew, only took 4 hours or so to put together. I think I'll leave Terminus till I actually have time to build him..those wings..erghh 

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